Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Lifestyles Inc.'s Fundraiser "A Chair Affair"
Featured Some Clever Chair Creations

Genny Olson, who works in the NWACC library (and member of the NWACC Art Club) and Jan Gosnell, adjunct Art Faculty, both participated in Lifestyles Inc.'s fundraiser "A Chair Affair" this semester. The event was held April 28 at the Peel Mansion in Bentonville. Artists were invited to turn chairs into works of art to be auctioned off to benefit the organization. Click on the following pictures for larger views.

Genny Olson. Celestial Cat

Jan Gosnell. Van Gogh's Chair (complete with severed ear) (center)

Jan Gosnell. Van Gogh's Chair (detail)

Ray Horne. Love (left)
Genny Olson: "The Love chair was one the guy started with some extra stamps, then had to dive into his own stamp collection to finish it out – very popular!"

Debra Lamm. Exotique

Jason Jones. The River Chair
Genny Olson: "The Driftwood chair was from stuff picked up on a beach and sandblasted, then slathered with lots of lacquer…and it weighs a ton!"

Unknown Artist
Genny Olson: "The Baseball chair made of broken bats was really nice – the bidding had just started and it was way out of my price range real quick!"

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