Monday, May 12, 2008

A Letter from your President

Hello All!

I wanted to pass on some info:

At the last meeting: We decided to schedule a pot luck/BBQ sometime mid summer. Please check back here for voting on a day to do that. We want to continue supporting Fusion Art at their First Friday events, and I would love to see incresing attendance for socailizing afterward. We also decided to begin meeting the second week of school, so please keep checking this blog over the summer to look for the vote as to what days we should meet. We will be having elections in the fall for all officers including the addition of a treasurer, now that we have funds. We also discussed having a show in the fall, and we definately want to continue fundraising. Over the summer be thinking of creative ways that we can continue to raise money while promoting visual arts. Also, be thinking of events that you would like to see us host, trips you would like us to take, etc. We will be discussing these things early in the fall semester.

New information: I went to The Viewery and saw the show that they had this past weekend. It was very different from the works that you would find at Fusion. The entire atmosphere is different, and the artisits that run the studio/gallery are more avant-garde than we have viewed before. I spoke with Jacey Dalton, who is one of 6 artists that own The Viewery, and she said she is looking for submissions for 2 upcoming shows. The first show will be in June and will also be on the First Friday. It is a group show and the feeling I got was most submissions would be accepted. The second show is going to be titled "Mother Folk Art" and the idea is to re-vamp and poke a little fun at Folk Art. Some ideas are, doing an unusual scene on a saw blade, or a funny take on a Bob Ross painting. This show will be in July. Jacey said that she wanted to align her shows with the First Friday events that are already going on at Fusion. If anyone would like to submit work for either of these shows you should be able to find contact information on the website If you have any difficulty finding contact information, or contacting The Viewery, please let me know and I will help you contact Jacey directly.

The Field Trip: The Terra Studios Field Trip was postponed due to severe weather. I would like to reschedule the field trip for Saturday, June 14. I would like for us to meet at 12 noon in the NWACC parking lot in front of White Auditorium. We will leave at 12:15. I hope that after having to reschedule twice, we will have a great turn out. Please remember that significant others and children are welcome to attend this event. If you want to go on this new date, please rsvp by following the link on this page.

I hope to see eveyone come out for our events over the summer. Everyone have fun, be safe, and I hope to see you all back in the fall.
